". / . . . Taylor Swift has urged her supporters to head to the polls today in a rare political message on Instagram

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Taylor Swift has urged her supporters to head to the polls today in a rare political message on Instagram

Taylor Swift has urged her supporters to head to the polls today in a rare political message on Instagram

In the past, Taylor Swift has been wary of entering the political sphere even though she has encouraged her fans to vote on Super Tuesday.

Her most vocal participation to far has been her 2018 call on supporters to support Democrats over Republicans Marsha Blackburn in a Tennessee contest. Since then, she has supported Joe Biden for president in 2020 and has even spoken out against Donald Trump in that same year.In the past, Taylor Swift has been wary of entering the political sphere even though she has encouraged her fans to vote on Super Tuesday.

Her most vocal participation to far has been her 2018 call on supporters to support Democrats over Republicans Marsha Blackburn in a Tennessee contest. From that point on, she supported Joe Biden in 2020 and even spoke out against then-president Donald Trump that same year.

Aside from certain occasions, such as Tuesday, Swift has frequently encouraged her followers to cast ballots by using her platform. Notably, following each of her Instagram postings encouraging people to vote, voter registration spikes by the tens of thousands.

There is definitely a desire for Swift to say nothing at all and to utilise her platform to do more than just encourage her fans to vote, but it is uncertain if she will do so this year.

One Swift admirer stated in a Guardian survey earlier this year that "I care about her stance and/or endorsement just as much as my granddaughter does." 

"I would like to hear her speak out in support of human rights for all, especially women. And to support the asylum-seeking refugees risking their lives to contribute their hard work to the US. That’s what actually makes America great.

For me, Taylor Swift’s endorsement holds more influence than any man in DC or in the media. Why wouldn’t her opinion matter to me?

This year, right-wing conspiracy theories have also proliferated online, alleging that Swift is a secret tool for Biden and that she and her boyfriend, Travis Kelce, are set up to support Biden. Trump's allies have even threatened to wage a "holy war" against Swift should she support the Democrats in November.

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